Artists’ Workshop, Inc.
of New Smyrna Beach
Revised May, 2023
The name of this organization shall be: Artists’ Workshop, Inc. of New Smyrna Beach, Florida (Hereinafter referred to as the Workshop). Its principal place of business and studio shall be located at 540 Barracuda Blvd, New Smyrna Beach, in Volusia County, Florida (Mailing address: Artists’ Workshop, Inc. P.O. Box 1194, New Smyrna Beach, Florida 32170) and the Gallery shall be located at 115 Canal Street, New Smyrna Beach or at such other locations that the Board of Directors may designate. Artists’ Workshop is incorporated under the laws of the State of Florida and has all powers as provided for in Chapter 617 of the Florida Statutes, and the Internal Revenue Service Code, 501 (C) (3) Corporation .
The Artists’ Workshop of New Smyrna Beach strives to enrich our natural coastal community by offering a supportive, vibrant environment that provides opportunities to learn, create, exhibit, and appreciate art.
Section 1. The membership of the Workshop shall be composed of artists and others interested in promoting its objectives.
Section 2. Membership shall be divided into the following categories:
(a) Members: shall be entitled to participate in art classes and workshops at a discounted rate. They may exhibit their work at Workshop sponsored exhibits. (See ARTICLE IX)
(b) Honorary Members: shall have all the privileges of membership without payment of dues. having been selected by the Workshop to express appreciation of past services or generosity in support of the organization. All past presidents shall automatically become Honorary Members
(c) Life Members: upon adoption of the 2019 by-laws, this category shall be closed. Present Life Members shall have the same privileges as a member in good standing.
Section 3. Only Members, Honorary, and Life Members of the Workshop, are eligible to vote. Voting shall be based on a simple majority.
Section 4. Quorum for voting purposes shall be 10% of total membership and shall be based on a simple majority.
Section 1. Membership dues shall be payable yearly, in the month that members had previously joined. Dues will be considered delinquent if not paid within 30 days and the members name will be removed from the current list of members. They will not have any of the privileges of membership until dues are paid.
Section 1. A person will be accepted as member upon filling out an application and paying the current dues. Membership will last for one year from that date and be eligible for renewal yearly.
Section 2. A member may be expelled or suspended for just cause presented to the Board of Directors in writing, with an affirmative vote of at least 51% of those present at a regularly scheduled board meeting. The member in question shall have the opportunity to appear and present his/her case before the board.
Section 3. When a member resigns, or if connection with the Workshop is otherwise severed, the member shall cease to have any interest in the Workshop or property, or affairs, or franchise.
The officers of the Workshop shall be as follows: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
The four elected officers, up to six appointed committee chairpersons, and up to five additional “members-at-large” along with the immediate past president, shall constitute the Board of Directors. “Members-at-large” may be current or former AW members, or community/business members with an interest in furthering the mission of the Artists Workshop. All Board members must be (or become if taking a Board position) a member of the Artists’ Workshop These members-at-large will be appointed by the President after approval by consensus of the Board. All Board members shall serve for three years unless re-elected or until their replacement is elected. Any Board Member may be removed from office for absence without cause from three consecutive meetings. The Steering Committee, comprised of the four elected officers and the Past President, will meet at the request of the President.
DUTIES OF OFFICERS Section 1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Workshop and perform such duties as the office requires; be ex-officio member of all committees (except the Nominating Committee) and shall keep all important papers pertaining to the Workshop safely stored. In the event that any elected officer or appointed committee chairman resigns, the President may, with Board approval, appoint a successor. The President will direct and supervise the hiring and development of work plans for administrative staff. The President will liaison with Community Organizations in the NSB area, such as Chamber of Commerce, Historic District, attending their functions when possible.
The President will work closely with our landlord, the Marine Discovery Center (MDC), to negotiate leases, promote sustainability for our organization on the current property, and create opportunities for shared programming for adult and youth education relating to art and the environment.
Section 2. The Vice President shall act as President in his or her absence and otherwise assist the President as he or she shall desire; and will serve as Program Chairperson.
Section 3. The Secretary (or Administrative Assistant) shall keep a record of all board and general meetings of the Workshop.
Section 4. The Treasurer shall have oversight of the funds of the Workshop from any sources derived and shall render an account of them as requested. Treasurer shall work with accountant closely, and will make sure that all required financial forms are filed in a timely manner.
Section 5. The immediate Past President shall act as a mentor for new President, guiding her/him through the many duties and intricacies of the position during the first year in office.
Section 6. All officers of the Workshop and all chairmen of committees shall provide a written summary report of their responsibilities at the November board meeting of the Workshop. Copies of these reports will be provided for attachment to the minutes of the December meeting.
Section 7. The term of office for all officers shall be three years, not to exceed two consecutive terms in the same office, unless the Board decides that extenuating circumstances exist in which an extended term of a current Officer would be of crucial benefit to the organization. Such circumstances might include: interruptions and shut-downs of programs and premises due to pandemics or other medical emergencies; major initiatives in progress in conjunction with other organizations (or on our own) which require continuity of strong leadership; lack of qualified candidates to replace current Board officers; and any other serious circumstance as deemed by the majority of the Board.
Section 8. Elected officers must reside in the New Smyrna Beach/Volusia County vicinity for a minimum of 6 months and be available periodically for consultations or Board responsibilities, the other six months.
Section 9. The outgoing president shall automatically become a member of the board for one year.
Section 10. Quorum for board meetings shall be five (5) members eligible to vote.
Section 1. Regular meetings open to the membership shall be held at least once each quarter. Additional meetings may be held at the call of the president, or in his or her absence, by the acting president. The full Board of Directors shall meet once every other month, and the Executive Board shall meet every month. The Board may modify this schedule as necessary.
Section 2. The AWI fiscal year begins January 1st and ends December 31st.
COMMITTEES, Nominating, Auditing, and Others
Section 1. The Nominating Committee shall consist of five (5) members. Two (2) shall be solicited from its general membership. One (I) shall be appointed by the President, and Two (2) shall be selected from the current Board members by October 15th. The Nominating Committee shall then elect a Chairperson who shall present the proposed slate of officers mentioned in ARTICLE VI to the Artists’ Workshop at the November meeting, or by online communications, prior to November 20th. Elections shall take place (online or in-person) by December 1, and installation of newly elected officers will take place at the December meeting. Any member may nominate another member for an Officer’s position (provided that consent of the nominee has been obtained) in writing online, or by paper request to the AW office. Officers shall be elected by a voice vote of members present and voting. In lieu of in-person voting, the Board may decide to use electronic and/or paper voting to disseminate candidate information and facilitate voting.
Section 2. An Auditing Committee of two (2) shall be appointed by the president at the January meeting. They will work with the Treasurer to review the records, plan a proposed budget and certify the accuracy of the bank balance as of December 31st, the end of our fiscal year.
At least once a year there shall be a Workshop exhibition of original works of members for public viewing. All works submitted must have been created within two (2) years prior to exhibition, and not previously exhibited in an Annual Members’ Show.
The Annual Members’ Show will be a juried exhibit. (Rules for eligibility – See ARTICLE X)
Section 1. All Members, including reinstated members, must be in good standing as of one month prior to annual Members’ Show to be eligible. Example: If Show is 3/15- prior eligible date is 2/15
Activities requiring approval of Board of Directors at regularly scheduled meetings will include
Section 1. All outside activities undertaken in the name of the Workshop.
Section 2. Requests for donations, or fund-raising activities.
Section 3. Offers of unusual or large donations to the Workshop.
Section 4. Any expenditure in excess of $1500.00 for capital improvements or major maintenance of facility.
Section 6. Any major changes in gallery exhibition procedures, standards, or eligibility rules.
Section 7. Recommendations for substantial change in operating procedures
The by-laws of this organization shall be made, altered or rescinded by a majority vote of those choosing to vote at either a regular meeting, or online voting, provided that due notice thereof has been given at a regular meeting, or by electronic communications, or by Workshop Newsletter publication.
An amendment must first be presented to the Board, who will accept or reject it, and if accepted, will disseminate it to the membership. After a minimum of two weeks, it shall be voted upon by the membership at an in-person meeting, or online. Changes will become effective upon an affirmative majority vote by the membership who voted.
In all points not covered by the charter and by-laws, Roberts Rules, of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern the procedure of the meeting. Copy of Rules will be in library.